WP Table Manager presentation

WP Table Manager is a unique table manager for WordPress. This is a tool you’ll need on every website that contain table, because it doesn’t require any HTML to create a table and it’s so fast to edit table data, exactly like in an Excel spreadsheet.

6 tables themes included

With the plugin you get 6 themes included with price grd, comparison feature and planning type. Click, replace existing theme and you’re done. Everything is editable included cell content, HTML, button, layout and custom CSS code. Of course you can create a table from a blank one too.



Visual editor in table

In each table cell define a format: normal for simple text or number and HTML to edit a cell with the WordPress visual editor. Visual editor means you can use all the editor tool included media manager, HTML code.


Easy edition for final user

Once your price grid or planning is published, let your final users edit data. They won’t be lost it’s like in Excel, click on cell, edit data, it’s automatically saved and online!


Excel sheets Import and Export

An Excel Import & Export tool is available for each table. Save a lot of time, import your spreadsheet file, create your layout and publish it. What can I import/Export? you can import all data + some Excel styles or only the data and preserve your table style. The styles compatible for Import/Export are: Cell background color, font color, font size, borders, links (HTML format).


Auto synchronization with Excel files and Google Sheets

Yes, you read it right. Upload an Excel file in your media manager or anywhere on your server, link the file to a table from WP Table manager, and you can make an automatic synchronization of the data. It works with Google Sheets as well.


Live demo about Excel and Google Sheets Import/Export/Synchronization

Draw charts from table data

WP Table Manager include chart.js, one or several chart can be attached to the data of the table. Of course, if you update the table the chart will be updated automatically. Select the data, choose a chart and let’s draw!

Here’s a table with a graph generated from it.

Manage Access to Tables and Categories of Tables

From the plugin configuration you can setup WordPress user roles access to tables and tables categories. For each user group, determine access to:

  • Access to WP Table Manager and its configuration
  • Manage own/global categories
  • Manage own/global tables

Line and column freezing

When it comes to present big amount of data in a table, the cell freezing is something you need. As an option you can freeze up to 5 lines and columns per table. the line freezing option include the definition of the max height of the table.

Here’s a table with 1st column locked

Aerobics09.00 - 10.00-11.00 - 12.00-12.00 - 13.00-12.00 - 13.0009.00 - 10.00-
Aqua-10.00 - 11.00-12.00 - 13.00-13.00 - 14.00-10.00 - 11.00
Boxing10.00 - 11.00-11.00 - 12.00-12.00 - 13.0013.00 - 14.0012.00 - 13.0010.00 - 11.00-
Pilates09.00 - 10.00--12.00 - 13.00-13.00 - 14.0009.00 - 10.00-
Running-10.00 - 11.00-12.00 - 13.00-13.00 - 14.00-10.00 - 11.00
Aerobics09.00 - 10.0011.00 - 12.0012.00 - 13.0012.00 - 13.0009.00 - 10.00

Here’s a table with 1st line locked

Aerobics09.00 - 10.00-11.00 - 12.00-12.00 - 13.00
Aqua-10.00 - 11.00-12.00 - 13.00-
Boxing10.00 - 11.00-11.00 - 12.00-12.00 - 13.00
Pilates09.00 - 10.00--12.00 - 13.00-
Running-10.00 - 11.00-12.00 - 13.00-
Bike09.00 - 10.0011.00 - 12.0012.00 - 13.00
Swim-10.00 - 11.00-12.00 - 13.00-
Run09.00 - 10.0011.00 - 12.0012.00 - 13.00
Rest-10.00 - 11.00-12.00 - 13.00-
Aerobics09.00 - 10.0011.00 - 12.0012.00 - 13.00
Aerobics-10.00 - 11.00-12.00 - 13.00-

Filter and order data

You have option to filter you data per column exactly like in a spreadsheet. This is something very handy when you menage a large amount of data. Here’s an example below, try to type something that is available in the column and check how it works.


Add tooltips in table

Table cell are too small for your data? well, the solution is to add tooltip on hover to add the information you want. Click on a cell, edit the tooltip content from a full editor, as simple as that. Just put your mouse hover the table bellow to test the tooltips. you also have an option to force the tooltip width.

STARTUP FEATURESThis is our basic plan and I can add description in a tooltip, it takes me around... 30 seconds 🙂
PRO FEATURESThis is our prou00a0plan and I can add description in a tooltip, it takes me around... 30 seconds 🙂
STARTUP FEATURESThis is our basic plan and I can add description in a tooltip, it takes me around... 30 seconds 🙂PRO FEATURESThis is our prou00a0plan and I can add description in a tooltip, it takes me around... 30 seconds 🙂
Unlimited PagesUnlimited Pages
10GB space10GB is enough for a small usage50GB of space50GB, ouch that huge! what would you do with such quantity of space?
10000 visits monthlyNot so bad for a start50000 visits monthly50000 start to be interesting 😉
Paid site transferAdditional paid service, sorryFree site transferThis is included of course
30 days money backNot satisfied, just ask and we refund!30 days money backNot satisfied, just ask and we refund!
LET'S START WITH THATReady tou00a0start?I WANT THE BESTReady to pay for a pro service?

2 responsive modes

Responsive is something special in tables, depending of the data and the layout of your table you may need to enable it or not. We’ve created an option to use scroll on table (even on mobile view) or to enable responsive with column hiding. Define the mode, define column priority and columns will be hidden regarding screen size. A menu is still there to force column display/hide.


Spreadsheet Import/Export

Already got a spreadsheet with a large volume of data inside. Don’t waste your time, import it, add the style you want and publish it.


Making Calculation on Data and Money

Some calculation operators, formulas, are implemented: SUM COUNT CONCAT MIN MAX AVG DATE, DAY, DAYS, DAYS360, OR, XOR, AND. It means that that you’ll be able to run some calculation on cells. Furthermore it works with money cells. 

Apply Alternate Colors on Sales

In WP Table Manager you can create an alternate 2 lines colors set and apply on the table cells selection, this is pretty handy for large tables readability.

Custom css on table

Webmaster, you got all the tools you need to make the layout you want with visual tools. For advanced layout, special styles, a css code edition interface per table is available.


Data sorting

You have a parameter to allow user to sort data on public side. This is quite useful for tables with long columns, just click and order.


Page builders compatible

WP Table manager is compatible with all the major page builders on the market:

  • Visual composer
  • DIVI Builder
  • Beaver Builder
  • ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)
  • Live composer
  • Themify builder
  • Site Origine

Working video demo