All JoomUnited Extensions Bundle

WordPress Plugin Bundle / 189$
All our WordPress plugins included
All WordPress Plugins
All Plugin Addons
All new plugins to come
Unlimited websites install
Unlimited support

Joomla Extension Bundle / 270$
All our Joomla extensions included
All Joomla Extensions
All Extensions Addons
All new extensions to come
Unlimited websites install
Unlimited support
Joomla Content Edition Bundle
Dropfiles brings a new way to manage files and documents in Joomla. Manage files and categories of files from editor with a full AJAX UX + a Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive integrations!
Droptables offers you the only way to manage tables and data in Joomla. Everything is managed from your editor: work like in an online spreadsheet, 6 themes, charts...
Droppics introduces an easy way to manage galleries and images in Joomla. Everything is managed from your editor: multi-level galleries, themes, single images, image effects...
DropEditor is a feature rich WYSIWYG editor for Joomla. It brings unique feature like columns, summary,... to the final user and advanced style edition for the webmaster...
Included: personal ticket support is a dedicated team that answer any support questions you may have 24/7, no website limitation for install and for support! And of course the usuals: no-time limited, All 3rd party integrations included
Joomla Map Bundle
My Maps Location
Search for the locations you've added and configure the display as you want. My Maps Location is simply the most advanced Google Maps integration for Joomla, highly rated and recommended on the Joomla Extension Directory.
Linky Map
Have you ever wanted to display a clean & well designed vector map on your website? Get the most advanced vector map generator for Joomla with unique features. All world maps, regions included.
Included: personal ticket support is a dedicated team that answer any support questions you may have 24/7, no website limitation for install and for support! And of course the usuals: no-time limited, All 3rd party integrations included
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