Joomla Partner Listing
This is our Extension Partners, who help us maintain integration with their Joomla extension. The integrations we've made is also because we like those 3rd party extension and we are using it every day.
Linguise consists of facilitating the translation of WordPress websites using a hybrid method (neural translation + content review). We have particularly worked on the part concerning web agencies that implement translation solution for their clients.
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| With its high quality Joomla Templates, InspireTheme is quickly evolving into a Leading Template Provider. They offer everything that you might need for your Gantry 5 website! No matter if it is running on Joomla, WordPress or Grav! Website: |
| Akeeba Ltd is a premium software provider for Joomla!™ and WordPress™, geared towards security of your web sites. Our flagship product, Akeeba Backup, is the standard backup solution for web sites powered by Joomla with millions of downloads. It's the highest rated extension on the Joomla Extensions Directory and has won six J.O.S.C.A.R. awards. It's also available for WordPress and as a standalone solution which can back up any kind of PHP based site! Admin Tools Professional, our security enhancement component for Joomla powered sites has been in the forefront of Joomla security since its inception. Combine both to get the ultimate protection of your site against hackers and mishaps! Use coupon code JUD2WYH8 for a 20% discount off any of our subscriptions. |
| Dashbite’s Joomla-based software products will allow businesses to build fast and responsive, networking-based communities, meeting places and intranets. Both customers and employees today are expected to interact with online collaboration and meeting points, live information streams, social networking features and multi-media channels such as video and photo sharing and more... popular extension is JomWALL. Website: |
| Template and extension provider offering Responsive templates for 3rd party Joomla extensions: Kunena, JComments and AcyMailing. All Kunena templates comes with clean design and 5 color presets. Also there are nice plugins and modules for Kunena that extends standard Kunena features and turns forum into more professional way. |
| NorrNext is a team of passionate developers providing functional solutions to get your Joomla! site enhanced. We provide powerful and unique extensions as NorrCompetition to organize contest voting at your site. All products are 100% Open Source with clean and well structured code coming with detailed documentation, video and reliable support. Website: |
| ImageRecycle is an online automatic image and pdf optimizer. Images can represent from 60% to 80% of a page weight, so an optimization can accelerate your page loading by x3 or more. Take advantage of the ImageRecycle Joomla component to deploy it in one click on your website. |
| In 2006, Weeblr created and released publicly sh404SEF. Since then, we've continuously developed it into probably the most popular SEO extension for Joomla right now. wbAMP, the first Accelerated Mobile Pages plugin for Joomla, is now also part of our line of in-house built Joomla! extensions for SEO and content. Enjoy a 20% discount on all of our full-price one year downloads and support subscriptions Website: |
| Web357 is a team of professionals who specialise in the development of professional websites and premium extensions for Joomla! CMS. Web357 focuses on extending Joomla's functionality and making repetitive tasks easier, safer and faster. |
| JoomPlace is Joomla! Extensions and Modules developer. Such best-selling Joomla extensions as Joomla! Quiz Deluxe, Survey Force, HTML5 Flipping Book and JoomBlog belong to JoomPlace. And you have a unique chance to extend the functionality of your Joomla! website with 15% discount on all the company's products. Website: |
| YouJoomla is a Joomla and WordPress powerhouse. We've been giving our customers insanely beautiful web solutions since 2006, providing thousands of people with world-class templates. See our templates in action |
| ZooTemplate create intuitive Joomla templates come with Drag & Drop Layout Builder which allows you to create any number of stunning and unique layouts up to 5x faster than traditional way Website: |
| Since 2006, Yireo has developed over 50 great extensions for Joomla! and Magento, including MageBridge (integrating both platforms). We give you professional support and reliable solutions, allowing you to focus on the fun stuff. Let's join forces! Website: |
| Shape5 is the longest running, and most experienced Joomla and WordPress providers on the internet. With over 250,000 members, and a large portfolio of designs, you will never have to look anywhere else. Website: |
| Acyba is providing the best Joomla Newsletter extension, Acymailing. Schedule your Newsletters while you are away, secure your subscription form with a captcha, automatically send a welcome message to your users... Get ready to improve your community! Since 2013, they also have AcySMS, a solution for your SMS campaigns. Website: |
| JoomlArt is a leading provider for Joomla templates and extensions solutions since 2006. JoomlArt is the creator of the open source T3 Framework which has revolutionized Joomla. Website: |
| OS Training is teaching people how to build great websites, focusing on WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. Main activities are online training, onsite training, classroom training & also writing books. Website: |
| Techjoomla is one of the leading extension providers in the Joomla world with some of the best extensions for Joomla based E Commerce, Event Ticketing, Crowdfunding , Online Advertising as well as Social Network enhancements. |
| StackIdeas is known for their powerful social extensions EasyBlog, EasyDiscuss and Komento. Enjoy discount on their extensions (does not include Payplans) |
| Joomla Extension Store is the online store where you can find best extensions for Joomla carried out by professionists who work to give added value to all products. You can find a lot of Joomla plugins as well as JSitemap that's an essential award winning component for the management of the sitemap. INTEGRATED WITH: SEO Glossary |
| SourceCoast provides the social network integration suite for Joomla: JFBConnect. It's packed with features for connecting your Joomla site to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks. By adding social network integration to your site, you'll be increasing interaction between visitors to your Joomla site and Facebook.
| ACL Manager is the award winning Joomla extension that will save you a lot of time managing and understanding the Joomla ACL system. Set the permissions easily via the clickable permission grid that provides a great single page overview of all ACL settings across your website. Discover & fix issues with your Joomla assets (permissions) table you may not even be aware of and even configure the backend access to 3rd party components without basic Joomla ACL support. ACL Manager is available in 25 languages and highly rated by its users in the Joomla Extensions Directory that call it a "must have" Joomla extension. Website: |
| HikaShop is an e-commerce solution for Joomla ! Built for simplicity and flexibility. Have your users purchase your products efficiently, facilitate the management of your store, increase your sales thanks to built-in marketing tools and so much more ! |
| K2 provides an out-of-the box integrated solution featuring rich content forms for items (think of Joomla! articles with additional fields for article images, videos, image galleries and attachments), nested-level categories, tags, comments, a system to extend the item base form with additional fields (similar to CCK for those acquainted with Drupal), a powerful plugin API to extend item, category and user forms, ACL, frontend editing, sub-templates and a lot more! Website: |
| With a big variety of extensions redCOMPONENT gives the users a toolbox with endless possibilities. A redCOMPONENT subscription will guarantee you a set of powerful tools, and great support. Website: |
| ZOO provides a much improved Joomla experience. The key feature is the ability to create your very own custom content types. You bring the content, ZOO brings the elements to structure it and make it look good! Website:
| FLEXIcontent is primarily an advanced content management system developed to replace the native article manager of Joomla! 1.5, 2.5 and now 3.2 It adds the professional features required to build a collaborative web publishing system. Even if it’s not its primary purpose, it can also manage records by presenting them the way of a directory. Thus, FLEXIcontent was designed to manage content in a broad sense, and can organise articles, image galleries or a video galleries, job offers, product catalogues, business directories, a.s.o. within a single user interface. This means for the end user, unparalleled simplicity of use, everything happens in one place. Mastering 10 components to be able to administrate an entire website isn’t required anymore. For the web designer it means also the end of the headaches for the maintenance and updates of all installed extensions. Thus, its portability to future versions will be greatly facilitated. |