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WP File Download: Configuration

1. Parameters


To access WP File Download parameters, go in WP File Download > Configuration > Main Setting.




There are 4 tabs inside the Main Setting: Admin, Frontend, Statistics and Watermark.

Admin tab

  • Allowed extensions: The file format you want to authorize on your website to be uploaded
  • File auto version: Add automatically a suffix on file after updating it. Helpful to manage multiple revisions of files


  • Revision versioning pattern: Tag available {filename} {date} and # will be replaced by increasing number
  • File history count (0 to 100): WP File Download stores history of files when you update them in order to restore them later. Setup the number of versions to store per file
  • Max upload file size: The max file size for upload
  • New file category position: When creating a new file category, it can be added on top or the end of the list
  • Category owner is adding a user as Category owner 
  • File count is the number of files beside each file category name
  • Single user restriction gives access to a file/a category for a single user (to pick up from Wordpress users)
  • Display shortcode in category: to load a category of files in editor
  • Close categories: If you want to open WP File Download with the categories tree closed or opened by default
  • File list pagination: Add a pagination on admin file listing in categories. This setting is useful when you have a very number of files in categories
  • Files per page: Select a number of files on a page
  • Use WYSIWYG editor in the file description
  • Add remote file: Remote file is the possibility to add a downloadable remotely hosted file
  • Delete all files on uninstall: The data delete action on uninstall (see 1st chapter)
  • File list load more: Add a load more link on admin file listing in categories. This setting is useful when you have a very number of files in categories




Frontend tab

  • Extensions to open with viewer: Use the file preview and on which file type
  • Open PDF in a new browser tab instead of the Google drive viewer. It won't work with cloud files.
  • Icon set: The icons set use in themes, SVG, PNG or Default.
  • Default theme per category: If theme per category is set to No above, select a theme to apply to all your categories by default
  • File previewer: can be done by the Google previewer or the JoomUnited previewer. Choose how the file preview will be opened
  • Theme per categories: Activate or not the possibility to define a theme per file category otherwise, the component will use the theme from the option below
  • Theme settings per category: Possibility to configure theme in each file category. Show/hide category settings at backend.
  • JoomUnited previewer server: Generate file preview automatically using external server. Support file types: ai, csv, doc, docx, html, json, odp, ods, pdf, ppt, pptx, rtf, sketch, xd, xls, xlsx, xml, jpg, jpeg, png, gif. If the format is not supported, we'll use the Google previewer.
    • Secure generated file: Your preview file will have the same access limitation as the downloadable file, meaning that if the file is under access limitation, non authorized users won't be able to access to the preview.
    • Previewer log information: Show/hide the log by clicking on the link text.
  • SEO URL: The root URL suffix for all the downloadable files
  • Date format: Date format for upload & update file dates
  • Download category allows users to download all the files from a category as a global .zip file using a button. Not applicable to cloud file categories
  • Download file selection: Users can make a file selection using checkboxes them download them as .zip file. Not applicable to cloud file categories
  • Custom icon is uploading a custom image or icon for single files
  • Pagination number is the number of files per page
  • Load the plugin on the frontend in page builder
  • Display empty folders: Display empty folders on frontend
  • Redirect not authorized user: Redirect not authorized user to this page. Default blank
  • Message if empty category: Display a message when a file category is empty by a user instead of just hiding it
  • Message for category access: Display a message when a file category is not accessible by a user instead of just hiding it
  • Robots Meta:
    • No Index: Prevents file URLs from being indexed and displayed in search engine result pages
    • No Follow: Prevents search engines from following links on the pages
  • Default files ordering: Default files ordering, it can be applied for existing categories
  • Default files ordering direction: Define the ordering direction for files, it can be applied for existing categories
  • Default sub-categories ordering: Define the ordering for subcategories





Right side option setup defines the theme design setup. Note that those theme parameters will be loaded automatically if you choose not to activate Theme per category.




If the X-SendFile is configured correctly on your web server, you can see and enable this option to improve the performance to download files on your server.






Statistics tab

  • GA download tracking is the activation of Google analytics download tracking
  • Track user download (what file is downloaded per user account). If you're making available your file in EU region, you may add some notice related to the GDPR for your customers.
  • Statistics storage: Define the duration of the download statistics storage. Note that Forever option may generate huge database tables.





Watermark tab

  • Select watermark image: Using your watermark file.
  • Watermark position: Select watermark position.
  • Opacity (%): Set opacity for the watermark image.
  • Watermark size (%): Setup the watermark size base on the source image size.
  • Watermark unit (px/%): Setup the watermark size base on the source image size.
  • Margin Top: Spacing from image top border to watermark.
  • Margin Right: Spacing from image right border to watermark.
  • Margin Bottom: Spacing from image bottom border to watermark.
  • Margin Left: Spacing from image left border to watermark.




These settings are applied globally, but you have an option to override the watermark setting for each category. Simply click the Edit icon located at the end of each category in the category tree.




Subsequently, a popup window will appear, allowing you to make adjustments to the watermark settings. It is important to click the Save button before proceeding to click on the Regenerate Watermark button.




Note: The plugin exclusively supports the application of watermarks for image file types such as PNG, JPG, and JPEG.


2. Search engine

For editing the search setting options, please go to WP File Download Configuration > Search Setting.

  • Plain text search: allows you to search inside the content of the documents like PDF, Word files
    (You should click on Build Search Index button when using 1st time or rebuild whenever you want)
  • Include files in WordPress search: Include files in WordPress search results list. Just title of file is searchable.
  • Search suggestion: File suggestion on Search engine.
  • Search cache > Cache lifetime (minutes) Set the search cache lifetime to control how long search results will be stored in cache.




In order to take a shortcode for Search function, you should go to WP File Download Configuration > Shortcodes > Search Engine Shortcode Generator. A dedicated search engine is available from the parameters. You can generate a shortcode from the parameters and insert one or several search engines where you want. When you select a category for "Search in this category" parameter, the search function will only search files inside this category and its subcategories. You can also filter file type or set the range of weight in search engine.

E.g: [wpfd_search catid="0" exclude="" cat_filter="1" tag_filter="1" display_tag="searchbox" create_filter="1" update_filter="1" type_filter="0" weight_filter="0" file_per_page="15" show_filters="0" show_pagination="1"  theme="default"]




Parameters of the search engine shortcode:

  • Filter by category: load the category tree as a filter
  • Search in this category: select the category to search on frontend
  • Exclude categories from search: Exclude a selection of files categories from search queries
  • Search results theme: Select theme using in search results
  • Filter by tag: you can add tags to your files (and manage tags from the WPFD tag menu)
  • Display tag as a checkbox (for a few tags) or as Search box with predictive typing (for a massive amount of tags)
  • Filter by creation date: add a date range selector as a filter
  • Filter by update date: add a date range selector as a filter
  • Filter by type: select a specific file type while searching
  • Filter by weight: set range of weight while searching
  • Show pagination: search results with paginated pages.
  • File per page: number of files per page in the search results

When selecting either the "None" or "Table" theme, you will have options available to customize how the search results are displayed.




Here is the preview of the search engine with all parameters activated, the suggestion will be displayed after a loading time:




3. Import/Export

Export Files/Categories

You can export files and categories from one server to another with a click in our plugin currently.

First you should select which type of export do you want, then click on Run Export button.




There are 3 selection available:

  • All categories and files
  • Only the category structure
  • A selection of categories and files

There will be a *.xml file that will be downloaded automatically on your browser. Keep that to recover on your new site.

Import Files/Categories

Once you have a *.xml file after exporting, you can use it to import on your same or another site. First you need to select the *.xml file, then click on Run Import button. On popup, choose a category where files and categories will be imported, then click on Import button.




Then a successful message appears on the section. You can import only category structure by ticking on the "Import only category structure" option.




Note: This feature does not support cloud folders and files.

Import Server Folders

WP File download has a unique file importer available for WP. In order to import categories and files from your server, you should go to WP File download > Configuration > Import/Export > Import Server Folders

Note that the importer will be only available in WP File download in the backend for security reason because it will display all server folders.

Select a folder you want to import to WP File download, then click on Import Folder button. On the popup, choose the category where the folders and files will be imported and select Import option (All sub folders or Only selected folders). Finally, click on Import button.




WP Download Manager Import

If you are using WP Download Manager plugin, from now on, you can easily import to our WP File download in a few clicks. Firstly, select the category from WP Download Manager , then click on Run Import button, after that select category where the folders and files will be imported. Finally, all files in the selected category in WP Download Manager plugin will be imported to our plugin.





4. Server folder sync

A sync tool is also available from the plugin Configuration > Server Folder Sync. From there you can sync a folder from the server where your WordPress website is currently installed with a WP File Download. 4 main settings are available: 

  • Activate the sync: Activate the sync from External folder to WP File Download
  • Activate 2 ways sync: Also activate the sync from WP File Download to External folders
  • Sync delay (minutes): Launch an automatic synchronization between the server folders selected below, each X minutes
  • File type to include in synchronization: File formats that are allowed to run synchronously




And it’s very flexible, select the server folder (the source) and the WP File Download (the destination), the synchronization delay and you’re done! Of course, you can do that with several folders (the folder list is at the bottom).




Then just click Add and Save Changes button and wait for the next sync.

That's 2-way synchronization: the synchronization can also be done in the other way, from WP File Download to an external folder. This is pretty useful for sharing files with another plugin or CMS that is using a folder outside the default.




5. WooCommerce settings


To access WP File Download WooCommerce watermark settings, go to WP File Download > Configuration > WooCommerce > Watermark tab

  • Product watermark: Apply watermark on images assigned to product.
  • Select watermark image: Using your watermark file.
  • Opacity (%): Set opacity for the watermark image.
  • Watermark position: Select watermark position.
  • Watermark size (%): Setup the watermark size base on the source image size.
  • Watermark unit (px/%): Setup the watermark size base on the source image size.
  • Margin Top: Spacing from image top border to watermark.
  • Margin Right: Spacing from image right border to watermark.
  • Margin Bottom: Spacing from image bottom border to watermark.
  • Margin Left: Spacing from image left border to watermark.
  • Apply watermark for: Apply the watermark to either all the file download image preview or only to the files that are attached with a WooCommerce product.




To change the background color of Add to cart button, please go to WP File Download > Configuration > WooCommerce > Eshop tab

  • Add to cart button background: Set color for cart button.




6. WPML configuration

To translate a category tree in WP File Download to another language, which is EN to FR in this case, please following the steps below:

First, navigate to WPML > Settings > Taxonomies Translation then find "WP File Download (wpfd-category)" option and tick Translatable.




Establish category structure in EN and proceed to upload files in EN. Utilize the WPML Switch to change to the FR language. Everything should be empty.


Generate FR translations for the EN categories using WPML by following these steps: Navigate to WPML > Taxonomy Translation, choose WP File Download Taxonomy for translation. Then follow the steps to finish the translation.




After that, you can upload all the files in FR.

Note: If you are using a page in the EN language and the categories' shortcode is also in EN, you simply need to translate the page using WPML. This will automatically translate the shortcode categories into FR. However, it is important to note that this feature is currently only available for the category shortcode, and files are not yet supported.