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WP Speed of Light: Configuration

1. General settings

  • Display clean cache in top toolbar: Display a button in the top bar to clean all the site cache

  • Your WebPagetest API Key: Your WebPageTestAPI key goes here. It's required to run the speed analysis tool.

  • Disable optimization for admin users: When an admin is Logged in you can disable speed optimization (cache, compression,...)


  • PRO ADDON ONLY - Disable optimization for: Also disable all speed optimization for specified user roles




2. Import/Export

First, you go to WP Speed of Light > Speed optimization > Configuration > Import/Export tab. Then you can import/export configuration to a json or an XML file.




3. System Check

You can check your site system by going to WP Speed of Light  > Speed optimization > System Check. It will check your PHP version, Apache Modules, ...

