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  Wednesday, May 22, 2019
  3 Replies
  4.5K Visits

One of your collaborators on the "chat" told me that there is no captcha for the component "My Testimonials".
My question is, can I implant it myself easily (I know the html and css language).
Thank you for your reply.

This is not something that can be performed easily only with HTML and CSS.
But I will add that to the extension roadmap and the Google recaptcha will be implemented.

Thanks for your quickly answer.

Unfortunably, i need a good guestbook like yours very quickly.

I come back later for watching you avancement in this component.
5 years ago
@Les Enfants du Feu
we have already integrated CAPTCHA in our extension.
we are based on jform joomla integration and use it in standard joomla fields,.
to integrate the captcha field you need to enable recaptcha field
please create a ticket in support ticket and give us credential so i can take a deep look if something not working in it.
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