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  Saturday, March 09, 2019
  4 Replies
  2.7K Visits
What is the best way to remove DropEditor and its components? Will uninstalling the DropEditor component also remove everything else?
6 years ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.
What is the best way to remove DropEditor and its components? Will uninstalling the DropEditor component also remove everything else?

You should uninstall as normal and it will also remove all the DropEditor data.
And you can see how to uninstall here:

Hope it helps!
5 years ago
Thanks for that completely unhelpful response. What I wanted was specific help about your extension but obviously that’s too hard.

I searched for “Drop”, then uninstalled the DropEditor component — this only removed one item.
Then I selected all the JoomUnited Drop* items and got warning messages about (non-existent) content being affected multiple times before I could uninstall all the components.
Then I searched for JoomUnited and found that the Updater was still there.

This is the kind of nonsense I was hoping to avoid. You should provide a clean uninstall as well as an install procedure. It’s just irresponsible to potentially leave random outdated code sitting on someone’s site and it doesn’t leave a very good impression.

Also the tendency to create component-specific data/data locations as a kind of product lock-in (and the warnings on uninstall) is totally repellent. It’s great to think out-of-the-box but not when it puts your customer inside another one.
5 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me with more information.
I'm sorry, we do not have that feature currently. We will note your ideas for a future release.

Thanks a lot!
3 years ago

I also experience great difficulties when trying uninstall the Dropeditor. Why on earth do you create an extension that clutters the Joomla installation with myriads of plugins etc WITHOUT the option to uninstall the whole package in one go? According to when this post was submitted, you have not done anything in two years. All the time when there have been different updates have I never been able to update in a modern way though Joomlas update system. Always "manual update" with searching for the package over and over again. I am so glad I did not buy the pro version and wasted money on it. Sorry to say this, but when I am now going to remake my website for Joomla 4, I end up in serious troubles due to the badly packaging of Dropeditor. The update check for Joomla for alarms for bits of DropEditor how much I try to uninstall all I find.

I will never use Dropeditor again.

At least you could give advice on how to get rid of every single bit of the editor. You have messed up the system for me.

Best regards
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