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  Thursday, May 02, 2019
  3 Replies
  4.5K Visits

Based on your documentation, it seems that WP File Download reads in the contents of the files you upload. If that is indeed the case, where the content is stored in the WP database? I'm the author of the Relevanssi search engine for WordPress and have users that use WP File Download and would like to have Relevanssi access the PDF contents in WP File Download -managed files. Is the content stored in a custom fields or database tables?

How is the attachment content reading implemented? Is it done locally on the server, or somewhere else?

5 years ago

Thanks for contacting us here about this extension.
Based on your documentation, it seems that WP File Download reads in the contents of the files you upload. If that is indeed the case, where the content is stored in the WP database? I'm the author of the Relevanssi search engine for WordPress and have users that use WP File Download and would like to have Relevanssi access the PDF contents in WP File Download -managed files. Is the content stored in a custom fields or database tables?

How is the attachment content reading implemented? Is it done locally on the server, or somewhere else?

We don't store whole document content in database and use index by word to search.
Our uploaded files are stored in "/wp-content/uploads/wpfd".

Hope it helps!
5 years ago
Where and how is the index stored? Can it be accessed somehow so that Relevanssi can use the PDF contents in its' own index? All Relevanssi needs is some way to get all the words by a post ID, is there a way to do that?

I'm Tristan JoomUnited co-founder. We're very interesting in your integration with our plugin, would you post a private titcket referring to this post so the developer can help you directly?
I have opened an access to the support department for this account.

Thanks a lot.
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